October 22, 2018 - No Comments!

Black, Red, Teal, and Rose Undulating Lines: My First Solo Processing Piece

In September, I visited Artechouse in Albuquerque, New Mexico. On exhibit was "XYZT
Abstract Landscapes," interactive work by performance artists Adrien M & Claire B. I had so much fun exploring the world they created with sensors, projectors, and screens. Coincidently, today is the last day the exhibit is open, but if the work travels to a spot near you... GO!

Starting on my own digital art journey, my first goal has been to invoke a similar sense of playfulness, where one move from a person is met by a countering move by the computer. Starting a series of push and pull that draws someone in and opens them up to learning something about themselves or the world around them.

I'm not there yet, but the sketch that I created sparked a bit of joy for me. It has a sense of a lively swarm, with lines that bloom and fade as they follow the mouse.

int c = 0; // color base
int x = 1; // color increment
int lw = 2; // line weight base
int lx = 1; // line weight increment

void setup() {

void draw(){
   for (int lsx = 20; lsx < width; lsx += 45) { // lsx = line start x pos
     stroke((c+lsx)/2, c, c);
     for (int lsy = 20; lsy < height; lsy += 45) { // lsy = line start y pos
     line(lsx, lsy, mouseX, mouseY); // all lines follow the mouse
   if (lw < 3) { // if line weight is 2
      lx = 1; // adding 1
   if (lw > 39) { // if line weight gets to 40
     lx = -lx; // removing 1
   lw += lx; // line width gets existing width (lw) + increment (lx)
   if (c < 0 || c > 240) { // if color is black or very light
      x = -x; // change direction of color increment   
   c += x; // color gets existing color (c) + color increment (x)

I've about 50% through "Make: Getting Started with Processing." I've slowed down the aggressive pace since my last post, because self care.

Published by: kgates in Uncategorized

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