September 24, 2018 - No Comments!

Getting the basics down

This past week, I finished up and now the drum machine on Glitch that I remixed last week makes a lot more sense. Grasshopper was a great intro/refresher because it uses a plug and play puzzle-completion pedagogy that builds upon concepts. I found myself wanting to use it while on my laptop, but it's mobile-only. That aside, it was impressive in taking complex concepts and making them fun and approachable. Kudos to its creators!

There are still loads more gaps in my knowledge re: web audio and other unknown unknowns, but it's felt like real progress to be able to understand what every line of code was doing.

I started Khan's Intro to JS: Drawing & Animation, which has complimented Grasshopper quite nicely. The style of instruction is a hybrid of video instruction and live-code editing called "talk-throughs." This approach to instruction they've created is novel in that a pre-recorded lesson can be paused and the code manipulated by the student. Following the "talk-throughs" are coding challenges and mini projects to practice and build upon new concepts.

As of today, Khan Academy's Intro to JS is  82% done. That's roughly 15-20 hours of studying this week. There are some tools provided to track progress on the site, but it doesn't appear to track talk-through time.

I've made nine projects to demonstrate understanding of drawing, loops, arrays, objects. Key-value pairs all of a sudden make sense (although, I can't remember when that concept was confusing).

Other stuff:

  • I played guitar today and wrote half of a twee pop song. It was p cute.



Published by: kgates in Uncategorized

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